Monday, July 2, 2012

Sleeping in class to make a smart brain

Asleep in class after listening to the subject matter was not always negative. Instead, sleep in the classroom appeared to have a function as a facilitator of learning.

The claim was revealed in a study published in the journal Public Library of Science One.

The team of researchers from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, discovered a fact that sleeping after receiving lessons in the classroom makes the digestive system information becomes easier.

They conducted a series of tests on 208 students who used to sleep for 6 hours every night. They provide a series of word pairs that are connected, such as fire and smoke, or words that really are not related as insects and lies.

Afterwards they were asked to memorize the words to a different time. some study at 9 am, while the other at 9 pm.

Researchers then tested the ability of their memory with different rest periods, between 30 minutes, 12 hours to 24 hours.

In the first 30 minutes, the results obtained from all participants are not too different, but after the break for 12 hours, including sleep at night, memories of the participants of the pairs which are not related to increased quite good.

Furthermore, the students were given time off for 24 hours before being given the test a second time.

At this time, those who slept after learning and memorizing word pairs get better grades in both categories. Thus, researchers concluded that sleep after learning or receive new information is very useful for one's memory.

"Our study confirms that sleep after learning something new is very useful for memory," said Jessica Payne, a psychologist involved in the study.

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