Tuesday, September 11, 2012

5 Zombie Horrible Beast in Real Life

A number of trust believes in the existence of zombies, the undead are employed as slaves. Horror fiction version of Hollywood is more terrible, even these creatures like to eat human brains.

While the existence of the "virus" zombies in humans has not been confirmed scientifically, nature has provided the proof. In this form of the parasite that takes over the animal. Here are five examples of horrific zombies in the animal world.

Types of spiders Plesiometa argyra is really bad luck. Spiders native Costa Rican who just want to catch some small insects to eat, its body actually taken over by parasitic wasps.

Wasps planting larvae in the spider's body and control. Rather than build their webs, spiders spend the last night of its life to make a soft cocoon that will be home to its killer.

When the cocoon is completed, larvae will kills spiders and stay safe in a cocoon, on the predators that roam the rainforest land.

This is a story about a crab meet barnacles. A barnacle Sacculina want to nest in the shells of crabs, finding the way to go.

When it gets into the crab's body, it makes a nice little house that looks like a tumor in the body of the crab, continues to extend the tendrils through the crab's body and slowly eating its host.

After killing the sex organs of a new residence, crabs became lost interest in anything other than serving the barnacle, now a master.

Barnacles and then pierce the shells of crabs and invited the male enter and proliferate in the shells of crabs, and breed there.

The discovery zombie happens all the time. This year scientists discovered four new types of fungi that prey on wood ants. The fungus infects ants and use chemical signals to drive the ants out of the track.

Ants that have become zombies then left the colony and jaw stuck under leaves and settled there. The animal eventually died when the fungus spreads throughout the body.

Fungi are also forming a stalk of zombie ant's head and tried to lure other ants.

It's like a scene in a Hollywood movie: a quick stab at the brain make innocent people become victims of brutal and horrific attack. But not the man who became the victim but cockroaches. While the villain is a wasp.

In the real story in nature, wasps' poison make cockroaches unable to move. Cockroaches and then dragged into a wasp nest, and kept alive despite its belly planted wasp eggs.

When the eggs hatch into larvae, they ate a cockroach, from the inside out. A month later, the adult wasps fly from the "crime scene", leaving the carcasses to rot.

Pill Bugs
Insects seem cute and harmless, before finally taken over by parasites "Nefarious acanthocephalon" (Plagiorhynchus cylindraceus).

Parasites that live in the intestines of starlings, and removed through the dirt. When the dirt was eaten by insects, parasites that enter the body, then took over the insect brain, making its host doing crazy things.

One of them, making it visible to predators, starlings. After completing the task, the parasite was eyeing other insects to practice mind control abilities.

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