Monday, August 20, 2012

8 Things to Consider When Choosing Android

In the market many outstanding Android smartphone with a variety of types and prices. They offer different features. Ranging from hardware to software offered therein. Before you choose the android that suits your budget and needs, you should consider a few things related to Android phones as follows:

1. Price
When chosing the first thing we consider is the price. Ranging from tens to hundreds of dollars. However, the price is usually commensurate with the existing features. No need to force yourself to buy Android at a high price if our budget is not much.

2. Vendor
The second point also relates to the first point. Many vendors provide various types of Android phones. The most well-known vendors in providing current Android phone is Samsung that provides a variety of Android phones with prices of low-end to high-end. If you think this is less important points, you can choose Android with local vendors certainly with a relatively affordable price.

3. Processor
The most affect the performance of an Android phone is the processor. The better the processor has to offer then the better the resulting performance. The processor is currently available from a single processor core to four-core commonly known as a quad core.

4. Screen
With a wide screen can affect the user's experience when using the Android phone. With extensive use of screen features such as browser and video player can be enjoyed to the maximum. So far, the best screen is AMOLED Plus HD.

5. Android Version
The more new Android version is used the better the resulting performance. This point is also important when choosing Android. When Google released the latest version there must be reform features in it which must have greatly affected the resulting function.

6. Memory Storage
In Android phones usually offer two options storage location, that is external and internal. But there are some Android phones that do not provide additional memory. No additional memory devices usually provide internal storage is much greater.

7. Battery
Android is a smartphone which consumes battery with wasteful. The bigger the battery is used, the longer the Android durability during use.

8. Default Features
As a typical vendor usually provides interesting features on Android devices. Adjust the default features for your needs.

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