Tuesday, July 24, 2012

10 Mysteries Have Been Revealed in the World

We all love a mystery - and always fun to read about new and exciting mystery while trying to find a logical solution, it is also fun to hear about the mystery that is not a mystery anymore, or to hear a rational explanation about potential. The following are the top 10 mysteries of the famous, and attempts to explain it.

10 Human Face On Mars 
Cydonian region on Mars attracted much attention because one of the hills in the area looked like a man-made. This region was first imaged in detail by the Viking 1 orbiter, launched in 1975. Some of the images taken by Viking, including those taken in 1976 showed that one of the mesa Cydonian has a hill looking face. Scientists regard the face as a trick of light and shadow, but then the second picture also shows the face of the sun at different angles.
It is attracting the attention of extraterrestrial intelligence organizations, and some talk show hosts who believe that the image of the face is a result of a long-lost Martian civilization. Most scientists still held the belief that the face was just a consequence of the condition.
In 2003, when the European space agency 'launched the Mars Express, was able to combine data from high resolution stereo camera and create a 3D representation of the "Face on Mars".
The picture shows the rest of the massif, thought to have formed from landslides and an early form of debris apron formation, but no faces are visible.

9. Stone Incas 
Inca stone is a stone found in a cave in Peru. Cave where the discovery was never identified. The stone was carved with carved Aztec people fighting dinosaurs, extinct fish, open heart surgery and other things that indicate an advanced civilization.
A farmer was arrested for selling the stones (which claimed historic) for tourists, but he later admitted they made ​​themselves.
To get an impression of an ancient, he said he was leaving the stones in the chicken coop, and let the chicken to the effects of corrosion and other effects of natural changes, many others have also made and sold Inca Stones. There was no evidence of a civilization in that area, no debris, bones or anything.

8. Mary Celeste 
The ship Mary Celeste was found adrift at sea without a crew. The story begins with the discovery of food, still hot and ready to eat, the ship 'found abandoned but with no personal items were taken, with a strange circular scorch marks on the deck - is claimed to show an alien abduction.
The truth is much more tedious. The ship Mary Celeste possible signs left by its crew in a hurry. Also claimed the ship was making strange noises. Captain thought his ship might sink, so he went with its crew.

7. Bermuda Triangle 
The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area of ​​the Atlantic ocean where a large number of ships and planes have crashed, or disappear without trace. However, many ships and planes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle claimed not completely disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. In addition, possibly because the disappearance of the aircraft / ship and the accident is not unusual for an area of ​​it.
The story of the Bermuda Triangle has been developed due to media hysteria and writer who is obsessed and wants publicized.

6. The Mayan calendar calculations 
The only thing mysterious here is the Maya themselves, and how they arrange the calendar. Calendar looks like this,, although this is not the current date. The number of counts in the end will come one day, when it reaches a certain amount, and will be reset back to zero and prefix number next to the calendar it is the one. in other words such as reset!
Count of the ancient Mayan calendar will end in 2012, so that people predict the world will end as well.
Think of the Mayan calendar as an odometer, when the number reaches zero, they will start counting up from one another. Actually, there's no mystery here.

5. Loch Ness Monster 
Loch Ness monster, supposedly a plesiosaur remains from the time of the dinosaurs. The legend of Loch Ness have been around for over 1500 years. It was one of the very old mosnter.
Of course, the monster can breed, but it means a family of monsters.
So How many monsters but no definitive proof? Is there a clear picture that can not be denied? But to this day no one anything, except a lot of tourists with an obsession.

4. Bigfoot 
Bigfoot is an ape that looks like a prehistoric beast. hairy and have big feet.
Like the Loch Ness Monster, there's only blurry photos and footprints of questionable validity. Just like the Loch Ness Monster, there is no real evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. There is no bigfoot droppings, no bones, no artifacts. to prove, Nothing but a lot of sightings. Finally, Bigfoot is probably one part of a wild imagination of some people.

3. Shroud of Turin 
Shroud of Turin is the cloth allegedly used to wrap Jesus after his death. The face of Jesus was miraculously found in the fabric. Some of the blood, type AB is found on the cloth.
First, the AB blood type found on tape used to lift the shroud fibrils and not on the shroud itself.
Second, the blood could be anyone, from anyone who had handled the shroud.
Finally, the dried old blood "is black while the stains on the shroud was red.
This is a theory that allows the male model painted and wrapped in a shroud to create the figure of Christ. Vermillion paint plastered on the model of the wrist, feet and body to make blood.
And after analysis, the shroud has shown the former paint pigment commonly used in the 14th century.

2. astrology 
Astrology is the practice of examining the stars to tell us about our future. People born in the particular month and have an asterisk, for example, Leo, born in July / August. Where some of the daily asterisk may be accurate, and this is coincidence.
Signs of the daily star kept quite clear that they could apply to anything.
For example, "you'll meet someone new 'today', and it turns out we meet new people every day, whether in shops, buses, and elsewhere.

1. Bodies were not decomposed 
The bodies of the eternal, is the corpse that has been "preserved without embalming or other artificial facilities'. The most famous is St. Bernadette Soubirous (above), who died in 1879.
Face and hands made ​​of wax. Candles have been added since her face was thinner when she first explored. Another body smell similar to the embalming fluid.
Others are caused by the way they were buried, could in alkaline soil, the lack of oxygen so that no bacteria and worms.

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