Sunday, July 15, 2012

5 signs Man had a crush on You

5 signs Man had a crush on You
Meet and interact with new people sometimes can also lead to feelings of mutual love. Although only just met with him, he might has fallen in love with you. Remember that love can come at any time. Well, that not one meaning, you should see signs that he fancies you.

In order not to incorrectly 'code', recognize the signs of a man who was trying to tempt you. As reported by the Love To Know, there are some signals suggesting that he had a crush on you.

1. Kept looking at you
Men who attracted to a woman would look at her much longer. Not just at the time of talking, he noticed you longer. In fact, when you go away, chances are his eyes will continue to follow you wherever you go.

2. Soft touch

If the man has begun to dare to touch you, it means he's feeling close and of course he also had a crush on you. A gentle touch on the shoulder and gently caress your hair is showing that he likes you.

3. He tried to attract your attention

When men began to like a woman, he would find a way to attract your attention. Attempt to impress you can be in various forms. It depends on his skills. He could have displayed a talent for magic, or if he's a humorist, he will try to discuss the topic of funny and try to make you laugh.

4. He'll Listen to your story by Carefully
Men are generally known as someone who could not hear women well. However, different from when he was a crush on a woman. He would try to be good listeners for the women they love.

5. He's teasing you Directly
Many men could not contain his feelings, so no doubt he is teasing women who he likes openly. If he compliments you and said he wanted to spend more time with you, this means it is clear he likes you.

This is also true, when after meeting and exchanging phone numbers, that he immediately sent a text message saying he wanted to come back to see you, this is a very clear signal he likes you.

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