Monday, July 30, 2012

5 Ways iPhone Changes Human Life

On June 28, 2007, Nokia became the best-selling mobile phone selling company in the world. At that time, people actually stop working when the computer shut down.

In addition, at the same time, the BlackBerry succeeded in making high-addicted executives. However, when the first iPhone from Apple is marketed for U.S. $ 600, this device directly into a luxury device.

Interestingly, five years later, this smart phone had a significant influence on the lives of everyday people, factories and boardrooms. Up to now, more than 217 million iPhones sold.

This smartphone is often used by construction workers to read blueprints, doctors to perform diagnoses, the government to improve services and parents to quiet their children while in the restaurant.

In the last five years, there are five ways that the iPhone had managed to turn human life.
1. iPhone becomes a new way of interacting with computers.

In 2007, people are very adept at typing messages encoded using the keypad or keyboard. iPhone, do not have that element and replace it with a touch screen keyboard.

This is classic Apple step toward a simple utility to help bring computing to new audiences, including technology lovers, children, the elderly and people with visual or hearing impairment.

Suddenly, users can navigate their phone with some finger friction. Children intuitively know how to use it. High prices and lack of physical keyboard into a bad review for the reviewers on the iPhone.

Interestingly, this does not make consumers fearful, and Apple managed to sell one million iPhones in less than three months.

2. The rise of Application

Expensive iPhone touch screen feature, not a killer feature that so great. It's killer feature is the operating system (OS) from Apple's mobile, IOS, and App Store are strictly controlled.

Default application device itself is quite useful, such as browser, weather forecasts, e-mail, text, stocks, calendar and time. However, when the App Store opened, all of a sudden people have access to a collection of third-party applications developed in a remarkable way.

With proper application, the iPhone could track the sun, synchronize shopping lists, a drum machine, to book a place in the restaurant, and a cashier. In the classic style of Steve Jobs, Apple is in full control of the sale and approval of the application.

App Store itself has created a new mini economy. Apple has paid more than U.S. $ 5 billion to developers, and the figure is of course after the cut of 30% for Apple itself. Currently, there are over 650 thousand applications in the App Store.

3. Internet 24/7

iPhone ushers in the era of the internet all the time. For better or worse, this has blurred the line between work and home life, making the communication occurs over time and lead to the emergence of some new rules about when and how to appropriately use a smart phone.

This device gives users quick access to many ways of communication, e-mail, Twitter, Instagram, Grindr, Foursquare, Facebook, FaceTime and SMS. Ordinary mobile phones have limited internet access prior to the emergence of the iPhone.

All this connectivity brings new problems, namely smart phone addiction. The results of recent studies "Gazelle" found, 15% of respondents prefer smart phones than sex on the weekends.

4. Activism Supplier Chain
Apple grew the company's manufacturing chain is driven to a greater extent and in the spotlight. Foxconn factory in China that produces the iPhone, iPad and other Apple products are known by activists to have poor working conditions, long hours and low wages.

However, when the reins of CEO held by Tim Cook, the issue began to be resolved.

5. An industry back to life

iPhone may have helped kill the BlackBerry, but gave birth to a new genre of mobile devices when Google released the Android OS and Microsoft released Windows Phone.

Most of the mobile phone companies are now starting to produce touch screen smart phone. Some may say, the iPhone and iPod touch helped spawn iPad with an identical interface.

This best-selling device was born in 2010 and successfully created a new gadget market. Now, Amazon, Google and Microsoft also have their new tablet. Popularity of the iPhone as a portable gaming device also helped usher in a new era of mobile gaming.

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