Sunday, July 22, 2012

Giant Iceberg In Greenland Separated

Washington: Chunks of ice from Greenland Petermann glacier located in the northern part of Greenland separated. The scientists said the chunk of ice cracks are believed to contain twice the size of Manhattan.

The BBC website reported that the release of a mountain glacier ice occur naturally, such as cracks that occur each year. Earlier in 2010, an ice island measuring 250 square kilometers have also been separated from the iceberg.

"Although this incident is not collapsing but it is certainly an important event," said Eric Rignot of NASA.

Meanwhile, scientists from the University of Delaware, Andreas Muenchow call this natural phenomenon as a dramatic incident.

"It's dramatic. It's annoying. We have data for 150 years and we see the changes that we have not seen before," said Andreas Muenchow.

However, the chunk of ice that had separated it currently does not have an impact on sea level and has been floating. But sometimes the iceberg of the Petermann glacier reached the coast of Newfoundland in Canada. It can be dangerous to shipping and navigation in the region. Scientists have also expressed their concern for the release of the iceberg incident that often occur in recent years. They suspect that frequent separation of the Greenland ice sheet due to warm temperatures.

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