Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dangers of Brushing Teeth With Right Hand

Danger? Really? Well, before I discuss it, let us first know the right brain and left brain, because it will relate. Our brain is divided into two halves (hemispheres), the right brain and left brain with different functions.

Right Brain
Right brain function in the development of EQ (emotional quotient), as this equation, fantasy (imagination), creativity, shape or space, emotion, music and color, lateral thinking (parallel), intuitive thinking and feeling, unstructured, and tend not to think about things that are too detailed.

Right brain memory is long-term (long term memory). When the right brain damage in diseases such as stroke or brain tumor, the brain functions that impaired are (for example) visual abilities and emotions.

Left Brain
The left brain is the driver of IQ (intelligence quotient) as the difference, numbers, sequences, writing, language, calculation, analytical, mathematical, systematic, linear, neat, step by step, and logic.

The memory of the left brain is short sighted (short term memory). If there is damage to the left hemisphere, there will be disruption in terms of functionality speech, language and mathematics.

Simply put, the right brain is a storehouse of creativity and spontaneity. While the left brain is the brain that likes to analyze and a lot of consideration.

So what to do with brushing your teeth with your right hand? 
According to experts, most people in the world live with a greater reliance on left brain. Why? From childhood we are taught math in school, to think with logic, language. Very few music lessons, painting, etc.. This creates an imbalance, which is more dominant the left brain than right brain. Though we live need both to function optimally.

If so, the potential of the right brain is weak and getting weaker. To that end, all teachers, lecturers, mentors, trainers have to use strategy when teaching left and right brain involvement of students.

One simple activity for us who are adults to train the right brain is by brushing your teeth with your left hand.

Why is your left hand?
The left hand is controlled by the right brain, while the right hand is controlled by the left brain.

If you brush your teeth with your right hand, it might as well add unnecessary domination in your left brain. Danger, is not it?

Another simple way is to get the goods, write, open the door, holding the remote, type in the phone, turn on the tv and other activities with the left hand.

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