Friday, July 20, 2012

4 Foods Trigger Stroke

Disease most commonly affects humans all of a sudden now it's a stroke. More and more people who become victims. The disease is indeed comes suddenly, but, it does not mean can not be prevented.

Once you know the symptoms of stroke, you also need to know what foods may trigger the appearance of stroke symptoms.

Here are some foods that should be avoided if you do not want exposed to a sudden stroke.

1. Processed Meats
Processed meats such as smoked beef, canned food, and chicken nuggets are definitely using preservatives. Preservatives used in meats can lead to narrowing of the arteries. If the blood vessels narrower, then the blood flow becomes blocked, and that is the result of stroke symptoms appear. The same thing will occur if you eat too much canned and dried food.
If you are a person who likes to eat processed meats, canned or dried food, then it is time to replace the processed meat with fresh fish or fresh meat bought from the market.

2. Red Meat 
However, eating too much red meat, like beef, chicken and pork can also lead to the arrival of stroke symptoms. That is because the meat has a red substance of blood or hemoglobin is high, so that it can cause blood coagulation.
In addition, if too much consumption of red meats, the body will have difficulty processing the received fat protein. Protein fats that can not be processed in the body would be buried within the walls of blood vessels.
Impact, would be narrowed blood vessels and block blood flow to the brain. Therefore, nutrition and health experts do not recommend to eat red meat every day.

3. Snacks 
If you think that snacks such as biscuits, donuts, potato chips, etc., will not trigger an attack of stroke, then you are wrong. Snacks are even referred to as a snack, it has a higher fat content. The cause is most meals are processed by frying or burned.
Foods such as these increase the bad cholesterol in the blood. A study in North Carolina states that people who consume 7 grams of fat from snacks as above, has a 30% risk of stroke than people who only consume 1 gram of fat from snacks.

4. Soda 
Soft drinks has been shown to not drink that drinkable. Carbonated beverages are just a devastating effect on the body and do not contain vitamin at all.
Although researchers have not been able to find an association between soft drinks and increased risk of stroke disease, but health and nutrition experts emphasize their patients to stop taking the drink soda if you want to avoid a stroke.

That's four foods that can trigger the risk of stroke. So, after knowing what foods can trigger a stroke, then you should be careful in choosing foods to eat.

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